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What is 1 Ethereum Classic (etc) in AUD?

The price of converting 1 Ethereum Classic (ETC) to AUD is A$29.43 today. Last updated 04:17PM UTC. Ethereum Classic (ETC) is worth A$29.43 today, which is a 0.7% increase from an hour ago and a 2.3% increase since yesterday. The value of ETC today is -7.6% lower compared to its value 7 days ago.

What is AUD currency?

This currency pair is also known as the "Aussie". Together with the New Zealand Dollar and the Canadian Dollar, the AUD is a commodity currency, that is a currency whose country's exports are largely comprised of raw materials (precious metals, oil, agriculture, etc.).

Why is the Aud a gross measure of market activity?

It is a gross measure of market activity because it indicates the pace at which a country's economy is growing or decreasing. Generally speaking, a high reading or a better than expected number is seen as positive for the AUD, while a low reading is negative.

What happened to AUD/USD?

The AUD/USD pair kept falling in the last few days, reaching a fresh multi-week low of 0.7263 on Friday, to close the trading week a handful of pips above it. EUR/USD rebounded during the American session and climbed to 1.0715 as the US Dollar retreated, accompanied by lower Treasury yields.

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